I make at least three relevant decisions every day that decide what happens in the next 5 hours, 5 days, 5 months… Whenever I’m stuck in a decision like these, I check the Kard to use one of the four mind-maps I’ve found to be most effective to make one’s mind-reality move forward. That’s right! Beyond the usual 10% which anyone can unlock for a moment in time.

Why use these maps?

Nature wastes nothing. The truth is that anyone’s mind is always performing at 100% capacity. Thy myth about one being only able to access 10-15% relates to the part of the mind that is not automatically engaged. Getting stuck in a situation mostly happens because the automatic side of the mind (the 85-90%) does not yet know a different path. The purpose here is to unite both conscious and unconscious minds for the time needed to get unstuck, cross a limit.

These maps are time methods from different individuals who have uncovered useful ways to bridge the distance between one’s mind and one’s reality.

I’ve used these maps to:

  • Change careers, industries and countries and unstuck my professional career growth.
  • Recover my physical health from life threatening situations and also to drop a few inches on my waistline.
  • Solve differences in personal, social and busienss relationships, to go beyond what is expected.

My gift to you are these four maps that can get you unstuck from any situation. They’re easy to learn and challenging to apply, still always generate results.

On using the card

1st question: do I want to unlock this situation via logic or emotion?

One side is bright and relates to situations that are logical, yang. The other side is dark and relates to situations that are emotional, yin. Each side has two maps.

2nd question: Choose a map to use

Yang – Polarity & Trilarity

Middle ground (polarity). Write down the 2 point of views to and (listen): what is similar within the differences and what is different within the similar.
New ground (trilarity). If the middle ground does not sufce, nd a new point of view. Note that if a ring is removed all are unlinked (Borromean Rings).

Yang – Mental States

The Pierce Diagram by Jose Luis Parise (edipo.org) illustrates the 4 states of the mind:

1+ Possible: to cease doing it.
1- Impossible: never cease not doing it.
-1 Necessary: never cease doing it.
+1 Contingent: cease without doing it.

Listen to yourself, identify where you are and move diagonally to advance the mind.

Yin – Decisions

Used in native American cultures (Jose Luis Parise, edipo.org) to be unstuck from an emotional struggle. The down-up sequence is:

1. An instant to observe (down).
2. Take time to learn (middle).
3. A moment to conclude (up).

When I write what each step means to my specic struggle, it opens up the emotion I need to move forward.

Yin – Labyrinth

The sevenfold labyrinth can be found all over the world. Among other uses, its path can help you with:

Releasing when entering, receiving at the center and reemerging when returning. Working on the seven chakras when following it’s path (Flower Of Life).

The kard: a gift from my journey to advance yours So that we leave with more than we we started with.